The 1st Slovenian Senior Masquerade Was a Success

With the help of the Mozaik Generacij Cooperative, students of the Social Gerontology programme organised the 1st Slovenian Senior Masquerade in the town of Ptuj. Many Slovenian media reported on the success of the event, but the satisfaction of attendees from all over Slovenia is what counts the most.

»The response has been phenomenal. During the process of organising the event, we were hearing approving comments like 'this is a great idea' and 'well done, students, for not forgetting us elderly people',« says Lidija Ribič, student of the Social Gerontology programme at Alma Mater Europea (ECM) and manager of the Mozaik Generacij Cooperative, the main organiser of the 1st Senior Masquerade. Several hundred pensioners from all over Slovenia came to the event. In addition to jovial socialising, fun activities and live music, attendees could also enjoy a presentation of ethnic Slovenian masks and choose the best mask of the evening. A large majority of the attendees agreed to come to Ptuj next year and to make the Senior Masquerade an annual event.

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